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How to do this in c#?

Pravesh Singh 1944 09-Dec-2014

I have a List of MyClass and in the main page I have 10 controls which will display the information about that list of Items. What I want is to check the count of the items in the List and then make the excess controls invisible. Now I'm using this code but is there an easier way of doing this?


 if (myList.Count > 0)
      Control1.MyClassInfo = myList[0];
      if (myList.Count > 1)
           Control2.MyClassInfo = myList[1];
           if (myList.Count > 2)
                // and like that till 10
                Control3.Visible = false;
                Control4.Visible = false;
                // till 10
           Control2.Visible = false;
           Control3.Visible = false;
           // till 10
       Control1.Visible = false;
       Control2.Visible = false;
       Control3.Visible = false;
       // and then till 10

.net c# 
Updated on 10-Dec-2014

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